My labor started on Saturday, August 23. I was having random contractions most of the day. We went to the Hogan family reunion that evening. I tried to hurry the process along by taking lots of walks and playing volleyball. We got home at around 10:00 PM that night and the contractions became more regular. I called the hospital to find out if I should come in but the nurses told me to wait until my contractions were 3-4 minutes apart. So, we stayed up most of the night and the contractions were about 10 minutes apart. This kept up til 2:00 PM the next day. I finally decided to just go in to the hospital to get checked (even though the contractions were still 10 minutes apart). And good thing too! When I got to the hospital I was already dilated to a 7 and my water broke minutes after I got there. So much for listening to the nurses! Anyway, things went pretty well for the next couple hours. The nurse thought I was crazy because I was still smiling during my labor. I chose not to have an epidural but it was very easy until about 7:00 PM when I started to push. I pushed for 2 and 1/2 hours and it was horrible! I think Shane almost had a heart attack! Jaxon arrived at 9:18 PM. I had to have an episiotomy and I had a 3rd degree tear as well so I took quite a while to recover but Jaxon was perfect!
Anyway, I think the labor was much easier than taking care of him now!