6 Months Old!!

I can't believe that my baby is already 6 months old! It went by so fast and he is getting so big!

He is such a happy little boy and is so curious about everything. He likes to sit or stand up so he can see more and he loves to go to the store because it is way more exciting than our house.

He is such a little angel and we have so much fun with him! His Daddy likes to brag that he is the best looking baby in the world. I tell him that all parents think that about their kids but he still insists that ours is the best. (I have to agree!)

My Man

I know I mostly post about my little man on this blog but I just wanted to let my other man know how important he is to me and to our little family.

I am the luckiest wife alive! My husband is so sweet and understanding and takes such good care of me and little Jax. He works so hard at his job and is sacrificing everything right now to get his MBA so he can be an even better provider. I am so proud of him and I love him so much! I love what a great Daddy he is and I love how he treats me like a princess everyday of our lives.

And isn't he just the most handsome man in the world?! I love you Shane!

Happy Valentine's Day!

Thanks, Aunt Rossi for taking my Valentine's Day photo shoot! Don't I look cute?